Does Spring dm server help to gain OSGi independence?

Recently when I talked to people or read articles about Spring DM Server it was frequently explained that one reason for using it in favour of plain OSGi is to gain independence from OSGi.
Although Spring DM Server comes with a simple to use POJO-based approach to implement OSGi services, the same can be achieved with OSGi declarative services which is part of the OSGi standard services.
With just one configuration file one can turn a POJO into an OSGi service without any OSGi plumbing. This seems to be often overlooked.

There are other reasons why one would want to use Spring DM server instead of plain OSGi, but achieving independence is clearly not.
Rather the opposite is true. Instead if relying on the widely accepted OSGi industry standard another dependency namely Spring DM server is added.
That is ok if it helps to create a better technical solution, but there is a price to pay.

Rules, Processes or Services?

Together Services, Business Processes (BPM) and Business Rules (BRM) can be a powerful combination to keep the SOA promise of creating agile business applications.
I often hear questions about how those three can be combined in a reasonable way.
In their article Implementation of business rules and business processes in SOA Boris Lublinsky and Didier Le Tien give some practical advice.

New SOA Workshops

Recently we released the SOA Open Source Reference Platform (OSRP) Workshop.

If you have ever tried to evaluate Open Source technologies you might have experienced that a lot of time is lost in simply integrating all the different tools and products.
The idea behind the workshop is to provide people with an integrated environment which can be used to quickly learn Open source SOA technologies. This environment is called the SOA Open Source Reference Platform (OSRP).
After the workshop the attendees have a sound understanding if and how Open Source products can be used to build a reliable SOA platform.

The OSRP-Workshop is ideal after attending the SOA Workshop which gives an overview about terms and technologies used in the area of Service-oriented Architecture.

Is EJB dead in times of SOA?

In times of lightweight containers and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) is not the predominant development model anymore. Instead multiple technologies and frameworks are competing to be THE service development model of the future. For instance SCA, Spring, Axis, CXF and …

… probably EJB?

The Jbi4Ejb Binding Component allows to integrate Stateless Session EJBs into an ESB infrastructure, thus making them available to service consumers.

This is again a nice example of how open standards such as JBI help to protect the investments of the past.

SOA without BPM without SOA

Some people argue that SOA and BPM are two different things. That is probably right because it is possible to create a service landscape without having a business process representation. But if you look at the main reason for establishing a service oriented architecture the perspective changes.
The main reason for SOA is business agility. Every technology that helps to achieve that goal is welcome to be integrated in the SOA technology stack.
BPM makes perfect sense as it fosters better aligment on business and IT and helps to shorten development cycles.
Ok understood. But if that is true wouldn’t be be enough to use a BPM only without services? The answer is no because in order to create a flexible BPM solution it must be based on a sound service landscape. If that is not the case changing a business process would require new services to be created or existing to be altered. Sooner or later this would lead to service proliferation which would render the BPM approach useless over time. The result would be anything but hardly an agile system.

My conclusion: Using BPM as part of a SOA makes perfect sense if it is based on reliable and well designed services.