Product Owner CRACK

When staffing your next agile project make sure you have the right Product Owner on board.
In their book Balancing Agility and Discipline: A Guide for the Perplexed Barry Boehm and Richard Turner coined the acronym CRACK which describes the properties of a good Product Owner.

Collaborative: Works well with development team and stakeholders. Is present within the team.
Representative: Has a good understanding of the product vision and is able to represent the stakeholder.
Authorized: Is empowered to make decision.
Committed: Shares the development team and stakeholder goals.
Knowledgeable: Understands and is experienced in the specific domain to guide the project to success

Keeping those rules in mind can help you to find the right person for the Product Owner role.

Turn contracts into documentation

In part one I’ve shown how to turn contracts into code. In this part I am going to show how to turn contracts into documentation.

Using the contract as a model for both code generation and documentation can save a lot of time. That is because the contract represents a single source of truth, which can be used by developers and business people alike. Just like you would probably do when you design BPMN models together with people from business you can design service contracts in the same way. Designing service contracts together with business people fosters the notion of services as business assets rather than just technical artefacts. Beside the time savings this creates mutual understanding amongst developers and business people. It facilitates collaboration and aligns business and IT. It work especially well in agile contexts in which business and IT work closely together.

But in order to be able to generate proper documentation from XML schema it is necessary to document the schema very thoroughly. Luckily there is a standardized way to do that using <xs:annotation> and <xs:documentation>. The following listing shows how to do it right.

<xs:element name="PerformSimpleCalculationRequest">
  <xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Performs a simple calculation</xs:documentation></xs:annotation>
      <xs:element name="operation" type="tns:Operation" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
          <xs:documentation xml:lang="EN">Operation to perform</xs:documentation>
          <xs:documentation xml:lang="DE">Operation zur Ausführung</xs:documentation>

You can see the full listing in the previous blog post.
It is best practice to document every aspect in the schema in a way that can be understood by humans. Ideally not only by technicans but by business people as well. To achive that it is essential to use the right language from the respective business domain. As shown in the listing it is even possible to add documentation in multiple languages.

As XML schema itself is XML we can easily validate and transform it to HTML using XSD and XSLT. A template can be found as part of the example project.

The stylesheet can be linked to the XSD using the directive <?xml-stylesheet type=”text/xsl” href=”contract.xsl”?> within the XSD. If you open the XSD in a web browser it will be transformed right away and show the HTML output.

Alternatively you can transform the XSD on the commandline using msxsl.exe. Just type the following to generate the HTML documentation.

msxsl calculator.xsd contract.xsl -o calculator.html

Another option is to automate the transformation process using the Maven plugin org.codehaus.mojo:xml-maven-plugin as you can see in the following excerpt from the POM file.

					<fileMapper implementation="">

The result is a HTML contract documentation in the target/repository directory. This documentation can for instance be uploaded to a Wiki which serves as a service repository. It is lightweight, easy to use and highly recommended as it greatly helps to increase the likelyness of service reuse.

It is definitely recommended to develop service contracts in workshops with people from IT and business. The person who moderates such a workshop can be called a BizDev, as he/she needs understanding of the business domain and technology alike. Doing that can greatly reduce misconceptions and create awareness of services as reusable business assets. Give it a try!

Capacity Based Velocity Calculation for Dynamic Agile Teams

Traditionally the velocity (V) of agile teams is calculated as number of story points (SP) delivered per sprint. If our team is static, that means, it consists of the same or at least the same amount of people in each sprint we can get a velocity that really reflects the team performance.
Although highly desireable, from my experience static teams are not very common. In fact most teams have a certain degree of dynamics, especially in long running projects.

Typical reasons are

  • Vacation or sick leave
  • Daily business (especially team members from the business are not 100% commited to the project, as they still have their daily duties)
  • Partial engagement (specialists are only part of the team when their knowledge is required)

How can we calculate the velocity for those dynamic teams? By taking capacity into account and combining it with the team velocity. I can recommend following procedure that I used on several projects with very good results.

  1. Have a sprint planning meeting with all people that might have something to deliver in the next sprint or delivered something in the previous sprint.
  2. Ask every person how much days she plans to commit to the next sprint. This is the planned capacity (PC). Adjust PC if necessary during the sprint planning session based on the selected user stories. Use PC as a basis to plan the next sprint.
  3. Ask every person how much days she really committed to the previous sprint. This is the delivered capacity (DC). The delivered capacity might differ from the planned capacity announced in the previous sprint planning metting. That is normal for the reasons given above.
  4. Calculate the capacity based velocity like this CBV = SP/DC.

The advantages of capacity based velocity are:

  1. It is based on empiric data (delivered capacity instead of planned capacity). It reflects what really happened and not what was supposed to happen.
  2. It grounds story points (virtual) with capacity (real) as it takes capacity into account in addition to the story points. But beware! Once the SP/DC ratio (how many days do we need to implement a story point?) is known after some sprints, it is tempting to perform planning with capacity instead of story points. This is a bad idea as it brings us back to the notion of exact planning which we (hopefully) learned is not possible.
  3. It allows the projection of realistic project release dates as we have a stable measure even if the team structure varies.


Understand your Team with SCARF

If you are a Scrum Master or coach you might sometimes wonder why people act and react the way they do.
The SCARF model can help you to understand which factors are driving peoples reactions.
The model lists factors that cause a reaction of either approach or avoid. The factors are:

Status, certainty, autonomy, relatedness and fairness

Here are some ideas what you can do to minimize reactions of avoidance in your Scrum team:

  1. Increase status by praising sprint results as well as team improvements, ideally in public.
  2. Increase certainty by protecting the sprint from outside disturbances. Make sure the expectations are stable and understood.
  3. Increase autonomy by letting the team take decisions.
  4. Increase relationship by colocating the team members. Select team members by personal interests as well as technical expertise.
  5. Increase fairness by treating yourself and the team members equally.

Keeping those factors in mind can help to better understand peoples reactions and adapt your own behavior so that it minimizes reactions of avoidance.

Team Complexity – The Underestimated Factor

Most people would agree to say that an IT project is complex if it has to cope with difficult technology and a challenging business context.
But it is not just technical complexity that threatens the success of a project. Team complexity is an important and often underestimated factor that highly affects the likelyness of success and failure of IT projects.
Even if you have a simple technical problem to solve, it can get much more complicated if you do it with a complex team.
The main problem is that effective communication is very hard to achieve with complex teams. But effective communication amongst the stakeholders, developers, business and operations is one of the key success factors for IT projects. Thus having a team with low complexity reduces risk and increases efficiency. But why is this often not recognized? I think the reason is that dynamic effects are hard to measure and invisible most of the time.
Inspired by the article Projects fail due to dynamic complexity (German) written by Prof. Dr. des. oec. HSG Stefan Grösser I thought about common factors that affect team complexity and therefore dynamic complexity.
To create more awareness in terms of those factors and make the subject more tangible I’ve created the Team Complexity Calculator. Its a fun tool that can be used to get a better idea of how those typical factors affect team complexity. It does not produce absolute results, so please don’t take it too serious. 😉
If you know additional factors that affect team complexity, please let me know.

Those factors are based on experience I’ve made in projects ranging from small to very large sizes.

Agile Games Released

Today my Windows 8 app Agile Games passed the Microsoft certification process. It is now available in the Windows Store.


The app acts a a host of typical games that are utilized in agile projects. The first game is planning poker which can be now played by distributed teams over the internet. Other games will be added to upcoming versions. I implemented the app using HTML5/CSS/JavaScript and jQuery. The backend is based on HTML Web Sockets and hosted on Windows Azure cloud infrastructure. Although in my personal opinion XAML/C# is more productive than HTML/JS, I must admit that app development with HTML/JS is great fun. Existing techniques and frameworks such as jQuery or Knockout can be used and the JavaScript code has a high potential of reuse in different environments and across platforms. The WinJS APIs allow a smooth integration to use Windows functionality such as search and sharing. And last but not least the touch interface lifts the user experience to the next level.
If you want to know to develop how those apps, please attend the Windows Store App Development Workshop. I think Windows Apps have a great potential. They are well suited to reach users in a modern way. Most business workstations today are equipped with Windows so the market is huge. Let’s start coding!

Agile Process Management with Open Source

Are you interested to know how to combine process management, agility and Open Source software? Then the roadshow Agile Process Management with Open Source is for you. It is going to take place in several German cities during autumn 2012. I am going to present ways to achive efficiency in the area of process automation using proven Open Source technologies paired with agile approaches. In times where CIOs have to think twice before they spend IT budget, undoubtely an interesting topic to talk about. It have some interesting ideas to share and hope for inspiring discussions.

Collocation Is Vital!

What does collocation mean? The concept is very simple. It means bringing together the people who work on a software product in a physical environment. This seems to be natural. But in highly distributed work environments that we have today it is not anymore.

I’ve been working on agile projects for many years and I always hear that collocation is difficult. Especially in larger enterprises it seems that the hurdles are high. There are many reasons stated by different people.

Here are some examples:

  • There are no adequate rooms available (managers).
  • The buisiness guys don’t understand IT. We can’t work in the same office (developers).
  • The IT guys don’t understand our business. We can’t work close to them (business).
  • Our outsourcing partners are from country xyz. It is impossible to work with them in one office (managers).
  • The business people have their work to do. They simply don’t have the time to work closely with IT (business).
  • I have to concentrate. Working close to others would always disrupt my work (developers).
  • We don’t like travelling. (all of them)

All of those are valid arguments, but to me it seems that they are sometimes artificial. In this case reluctancy to change is stronger than the will to increase efficiency.

From my experience collocation is an underestimated factor that can greatly improve effectiveness of teams. The study Collocation Impact on Team Effectiveness goes in the same direction.

Another interesting read is Collocation, Collocation, Collocation. Quote from the blog:
“A big part of the problem is socio-political in nature and would appear to be deeply embedded in the human DNA. We naturally tend to come to trust those that we have regular contact with (our family / village / tribe / region / country / team) and have an equal and opposite tendency to distrust those on the outside of these habitual daily contact networks (all those that the lock on our front door or the defences around the tribal village are designed to keep out).”

If a company is interested in real agility and effectiveness, I think it should try really hard to create collocated work environments and not give up early. It might somtimes be difficult, but the reward will be better results and most likely even better motivated staff.

Scrum in Reinsurance

On 5. July 2012 I am going to give a presentation introducing an agile Project in the area of reinsurance which I accompanied as Scrum master and solution architect. The conference is going to take place in the SAP Service Center in St. Leon-Rot near Walldorf.
The presentation is called Scrum in reinsurance – a success story. It covers factors that made the project a success as well as impediments. The aim is to share our lessons learned on the way to successful agile project management. I hope to see you there.